We continued our partnership with Salesianum School by welcoming two young men to our Residence to help us in 2024 as they fulfilled their community service obligation. They assisted with all types of jobs such as garden work, cleaning and packing holiday decorations.
They helped us take down our beautiful Christmas decorations. But that’s not all. Here they are taking the time to visit with our Residents, Sisters and Staff . There was lots of listening, laughter, and sharing, as they are answering the call of Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, “to build bridges of faith, hope and love between generations, and to spread the joy which only the Lord can give.”
Groups of Residents, Staff and Faithful Volunteers formed teams to work together in the large project of carefully dismantling, packaging, and storing our Christmas keepsakes. Even though some was sad to see the beautiful, glittering decorations come down, they quickly came up with new ideas to keep our home beautiful as we Welcome Winter!